I am the Principal Investigator (Academy Research Fellow) leading the Computational Genomics research group at the Department of Computer Science, Aalto University. My main research interests are developing statistical and machine learnig methods for applications in single cell biology, metagenomics, epigenetics.
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Biology has stepped into a new era where data are generated at an unprecedented pace. It is therefore necessary to develop new methods to analyse these ever increasing datasets. Thanks to the vast amount of data, researchers have a nice opportunity to come up with new biological hypotheses and look into the data from a new perspective. This kinds of projects may generate new statistical methods, new biological insights. In practice, we can make novel biological predictions and validate them in wet lab. I believe this type of data-driven research paradigm will become more and more popular in the future.
Oxford Nanopore (ONT) is the third generation sequencing technology. It measures the electric current when a RNA molecule passes through the pore. In principle, different signals are generated for different nucleotides. As we know, there exists different various modifications, e.g. m6A, in the naive RNA molecule. We aim to develop a Gaussain process based model to estimate these modifications from Nanopore data.
Alternative polyadenylation (APA) is one kind of alternative splicing in the 3'-UTR part of a gene. Common single cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) technologies such as 10x happen to measure the 3'-UTR of the gene, thus scRNA-seq data could be used to estimate APA events. We notice that the insert size information is standard in the sequencing library prepartion. This important prior information help us to develop an elegant Bayesian mixture model that shows superior performance than state of the art. Next, we demonstrated differential APA usage at different levels including organs, cell types, cell states (tumour or normal). The top differentiated APA events also show a strong association with miRNA expression. Furthermore, we demonstrated genome-wide dynamic changes of APA usage during stem cell differentiation (erythropoiesis and iPSC).
We have got hundreds of SARS-COV-2 genomes from COVID-19 diagnosed patients and their clinical data from our collaborators. We ask what are the key genotypes of the SARS-COV-2 genome that affect the symptoms of the patients. Through a GWAS study, we find a deletion in the nsp1 gene that is associated with the severeness of the symptoms. This deletion location turns out to be a hopspot in many different SARS-COV-2 strains worldwide. Then we show that the deletion induces with lower type I interferon response in wet lab.
The study design of a biological experiment can be very complex, especially when collecting time series data from different individuals. Many different covariates in the longitudinal study design need to be considered. These covariates may affect the target variable in a nonlinear way. What are the important covariates and how do they affect the target variable? We developed a tool called LonGP to decompose the raw data into several linear/nonlinear functions of the covariates. Application of this method to a published longitudinal type 1 diabetes (T1D) proteomics dataset helps us to identify some proteins that show weak changes near the seroconversion event.
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